Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 8: Maine in the Rain

Travel Tip #6: Go with the flow and try not to be too bummed when Mother Nature doesn't cooperate.

Our host is a fabulous gardener.
VM:  Happy belated 4th of July. Unfortunately for the McCartys, we departed FL during hurricane season only to be followed by one up north! Tropical Storm/Hurricane Arthur wrecked many East Coast holiday weekend celebrations in the last several days, us included.  The weather has been wet and soggy.

Our cute little town of Camden had a full roster of July 4th activities planned yesterday which were all cancelled due to the weather.  We ventured out for awhile during a break in the rain, but soon returned home once the rain started moving in.

Luckily, our cottage hosts have all kinds of board games.  I let out my inner Trump with a rousing game of Maine Monopoly, sweeping the board steadily and methodically.  HM was none to happy about this and said I wasn't being "nice." I explained that there is nothing nice about real estate transactions and just like in real life, mortgaging to the hilt and using money you don't have is never going to end well. :-)
Our host's studio.
HM, in turn, let out her inner detective by besting us all at Clue.  Watching all those episodes of NCIS have paid off.

Later in the day, during a break in the rain, we ventured back into town for an early dinner at a local and tourist favorite, The Waterfront Restaurant.  JM finally had his lobster and we all enjoyed the meal.

Today's weather appears to be worse than yesterday's.  It's definitely a bummer as we had planned to explore Acadia National Park today but I think we'll be looking at another day of board games.

JM agreed to a rare pose.

Quintessential Maine.

Camden harbor.

What your family looks like when you drag them outside in soggy weather.

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